Adam — a young company with technology to 3D print bone grafts made out of ceramic bioglass and modified biopolymer — said today that it expects first human trials to start by the end of the year. Officials at the Groton, Conn.– and Odessa, Ukraine–based company expect preclinical trials to finish this month. The Adam technology …
«Engineers have come up with an alternative to conventional ultrasound that doesn’t require contact with the body to see inside a patient. The new laser ultrasound technique leverages an eye- and skin-safe laser system to remotely image the inside of a person.» Read more
Researchers behind a new study believe that an EEG may be a more effective alternative. If you want to read more about this news click here
Abbott (NYSE:ABT) and Edwards Lifesciences (NYSE:EW) may have mislabeled patient deaths as injuries or device malfunctions in hundreds of FDA adverse event reports involving their transcatheter aortic or mitral valve replacement devices, according to a new study. The study by JAMA Internal Medicine editor Dr. Rita Redberg, former FDA unique device identification (UDI) external program manager Madris Tomes and others examined a total …